Heroku: Getting Started with Node
- Node.js is an open source, cross-platform runtime environment, which allows you to build server-side and networking applications.
- Heroku is a cloud platform as a service (cool long-bearded programmer guys call such type of things “PaaS”).
- It allows you to deploy your web server, so everyone could see how awesome you are as a web developer.
- Node.js was created for. It’s DIRT. It means Data-Intensive Real-Time applications
- Node allows a server to handle a lot of connections and work with a number of requests at the same time.
it’s useful when you need to create an application that will be able to respond instantly to a large number of users.
- executes JavaScript code outside a web browser..
- JavaScript is the only language that Node.js supports natively, but many compile-to-JS languages are available.
- Node.js is primarily used to build network programs such as Web servers.