Error Handling & Debugging
JavaScript can be hard to learn and everyone makes mistakes when writing it.
To find the source of an error, it helps to know how scripts are processed.
Debugging is the process of finding errors. It involves a process of deduction.
EXECUTION CONTEXT : Every statement in a script lives in one of three execution contexts:
- GLOBAL CONTEXT : Code that is in the script, but not in a function , There is only one global context in any page.
- FUNCTION CONTEXT : Code that is being run within a function, Each function has its own function context.
- EVAL CONTEXT (NOT SHOWN): Text is executed like code in an internal function called eva.
VARIABLE SCOPE : The first two execution contexts correspond with the notion of scope :
- GLOBAL SCOPE: If a variable is declared outside a function, it can be used anywhere because it has global scope.
- FUNCTION-LEVEL SCOPE: When a variable is declared within a function, it can only be used within that function.
- Each time a script enters a new execution context, there are two phases of activity:
- The new scope is created.
- Variables, functions, and arguments are created.
- The value of the this keyword is determined.
- Now it can assign values to variables.
- Reference functions and run their code.
Execute statements.
If a JavaScript statement generates an error, then it throws an exception , the interpreter stops and looks for exception-handl ing code.
- The console helps narrow down the area in which the error is located, so you can try to find the exact error.
- There are seven types of built-in error objects in JavaScript :
- If you know that you may get an error, you can handle it gracefully using the