View on GitHub


What is a Git?

let us first go throw some important concept.

Version Control

is a system that allows you to revisit various versions of a file or set of files by recording changes.

There are three types of version control :

1- Local Version Control :

A Local VCS entails one database on your hard disk that stores changes to files.

2- Centralized Version Control :

This system entails a single server storing all changes and file versions, which can be accessed by various clients.

3- Distributed Version Control :

Allows clients to create mirrored repositories. These data backups can be easily be placed on the server to replace any lost information.

So, what is Git?

Git is a DVCS that stores data in a file system made up of snapshots. Each time you save a changed version of your project called commit Git creates a snapshot of the file and stores a reference to it. Git mostly relies on local operations because most necessary information can be found in local resources.

Three typs of States for Git :

committed, modified and staged.

The Life Cycle of File Status

